Stronger Together

We are a coalition of involved citizens and community groups advocating for improved and effective planning for future development and growth in Knox County, Tennessee

Help! I saw a rezoning sign or got a postcard in the mail. What should I do?

Land use is a very emotional topic for all parties. We’ve been there. We’ve asked the questions, done the research. We know how overwhelming and frustrating the process can be.

What you need to know: from the time that you receive a public notification, either by mail or signage, the process happens quickly and you will need to act accordingly. The Applicant has had months, maybe years, to prepare for their request. Citizens have weeks to prepare their response, so time is critically important.

Latest Updates

Screenshot of Tennessee State Legislature page with HB652 SB785

KCPA Position on HB652 / SB785 to prohibit requiring more than one entrance for subdivisions less than 70 houses

A bill in the Tennessee state legislature seeks to micro-manage subdivision design at the state level and take it away from local bodies. HB652 / SB785 prohibits local governments or planning commissions from requiring more than one means of ingress and egress into a...
neighborhood connectivity isn't present in this subdivision in northeast Knox County, Tennessee

What Happens when we don’t connect new subdivisions?

Two houses in northeast Knox share a rear fence line. They were built in two different subdivisions. Neighborhood connectivity was not a priority, and they weren't connected when built. The result: to walk, bike, or drive between the two houses is a 2.5 mile trip,...
Map showing 2-E-25-DP 7514 Millertown Pk

Development Plan for 7514 Millertown Pike

The Planning Commission will consider a development plan for 7514 Millertown Pike at their Thurs, Feb 13th meeting. File 2-E-25-DP. You can submit comments and sign up to speak on that page. Homestead Land Holdings has requested 56 attached houses on these 14 acres....
First Creek Watershed map

First Creek Watershed Public Input Meeting Tues Feb 11th 5-7PM

There is a public input meeting on Tuesday, Feb 11th, from 5-7PM at New Harvest Park for community input. Knox County is developing an Integrated Watershed Plan to holistically address water quality and quantity challenges across the region. This comprehensive...

Shipe Rd rezoning withdrawn from County Commission agenda

The rezoning request on Shipe Rd (12-B-24-RZ) has been withdrawn from the County Commission zoning agenda. No reason was provided. This usually indicates that either the developer has backed out, or that the developer has figured out a way to make it work with the...
Asheville Hwy Rezonings

Wooddale Rd Rezoning Follow-up

Wooddale Rd Rezoning Background: Read the East Knox Community Plan - an excellent Planning document guiding character for the community. Here's an excerpt where the plan defines Rural Character and another that defines Development Corridors. Wooddale Rd - rezoning...

February 2025

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
  • Knoxville City Council
  • Protect Westland Drive Town Hall Meeting
  • TPO Technical Committee Meeting
  • Agenda Review - Knoxville - Knox County Planning
  • First Creek Watershed Public Input Meeting
  • Wooddale Rd - Meet the Developer
  • Knoxville - Knox County Planning Commission Meeting
  • Farragut Board of Mayor and Alderman
  • Knoxville Board of Zoning Appeals
  • Knoxville City Council
  • Knox County Commission Agenda Review
  • Design Review Board
  • Knox County Commission Meeting - Zoning
  • Knox County Commission - Monthly Meeting
  • TPO Executive Board Meeting
  • TPO Executive Board Meeting
  • Knox County BZA
  • Farragut Board of Zoning Appeals

Get Involved with KCPA

Become a part of KCPA and help our community grow responsibily. Register your neighborhood, share your ideas, and support our cause. Together, we can ensure a well-planned future for Knox County.
Stronger Together