1. Community Meeting Tues Feb 11th 6PM Lyons Creek
Last month, county commission told the representative for Wooddale Rd that they needed to hold a community meeting. On Thurs, Feb 6th we learned that the community meeting will be on Tues, Feb 11th, at 6:00PM at Lyons Creek Baptist Church (9235 Strawberry Plains Pike, Strawberry Plains, TN 37871)
This meeting is facilitated by Mr. Davis. Bring your questions to him, and offer any ideas to him. Also ask him about Neals Landing – he’s the developer responsible for that.
2. County Commission, 5PM Wed, Feb 19th
Background: Read the East Knox Community Plan – an excellent Planning document guiding character for the community. Here’s an excerpt where the plan defines Rural Character and another that defines Development Corridors.
Wooddale Rd – rezoning case 12-D-24-RZ
Attend and Speak
- When: Wednesday, Feb 19, 5:00PM, Small Assembly Room (next to the big room we are usually in), in the City County Building downtown.
- Parking is available at the Dwight Kessel Garage, the Main Avenue Garage and sometimes there are parking spaces on Main St near the entrance.
- To Sign Up to Speak: By Tuesday Feb 18 4PM, Call the commission office at 865-215-2534, or fill out this form. You want to speak at the Zoning meeting, on the Wooddale Rd rezoning item
Commissioners to Contact
- Suggested message points:
- Be polite, courteous, and brief – start out addressing them as “Hello Commissioner _____”
- First, tell them the area that you live so they know where you are
- Tell them you are calling about the Wooddale Rd rezoning in District 8
- Let them know you are asking them to support our district commissioner’s position
- Give them a concern or two about the rezoning – loss of vegetation, steep hill.
- Email a picture! These speak 1,000s of words
- Thank them for their time
- Phone calls send a powerful message, even if all you do is leave a voicemail.
- Emails also help
- We suggest individual contacts to these commissioners. If you have limited time, pick 2 at random and ring them!
- Damon Rawls damon.rawls@knoxcounty.org 865-320-5375
- Angela Russell angela.russell@knoxcounty.org 865-318-9063
- Shane Jackson shane.jackson@knoxcounty.org 865-500-9805
- Courtney Durrett courtney.durrett@knoxcounty.
org 865-203-6433 - Andy Fox andy.fox@knoxcounty.org 865-525-8836
- Gina Oster gina.oster@knoxcounty.org 865-343-1639
- Rhonda Lee rhonda.lee@knoxcounty.org 865-343-1280
- You can email the whole commission commission@knoxcounty.org although this is usually the least effective – gets lost in inbox