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KCP Agenda Item April 2021 - #9 Ball Homes

Current Zoning – AG Agricultural / HP Hillside and Ridgetop Protection

AG – Agriculture: farmland or rural where soils are designated as prime or locally important to the US Dept of Agriculture, 1 dwelling per acre or less if dwellings are clustered in one portion of parcel, conservation easements

HP – Hillside and Ridgetop Protection: staff recommendation of 1.52 du/acre based on the parcel’s slopes for a total of 93.2 units: 6.56 acres are outside of the HP area. There are 14.61 acres with slopes of 0-15%; 21.07 acres with slopes of 15-25%; 16.27 acres with slopes of 25-40%; 2.72 acres with slopes above 40%. Total Slope Area within HP is 54.67 acres.

Additional info on HP - HP classifies hillsides and ridges that have a slope of 15% or more. Open space, recreation land or very low density (LDR 0-5 du/acre) housing of 1 du/2acres is recommended for slopes exceeding 25%. For slopes of 15-25%, housing densities should not exceed 2 du/acre. Office uses may also be considered. Building height should not exceed 35ft.

A. Purpose Hillsides constitute significant natural topographic features. In addition, when development occurs on hillsides, there are potential serious consequences, such as increased erosion, fire, or flood hazards, and property damage from extensive soils slippage and subsidence. In order to protect hillsides and hillside development, the HP Hillside Protection Overlay District is established.

B. Applicability The HP Overlay regulations apply to all development on lots in all districts within the HP Overlay District with the following exceptions: 1. Legally existing structures existing as of the effective date of this Code. 2. Lots of record for single-family dwellings existing as of the effective date of this Code. This exception applies only where the lot of record is one (1) acre or less. 3. Lots that have been issued a grading permit prior to the effective date of this Code. 4. Lots that have been previously legally disturbed or developed would also be excepted provided that any new/additional disturbance does not exceed the previously-disturbed area or the maximum land disturbance permitted by Table 8.6 below, whichever is greater. For the purposes of this section, disturbance shall mean any activity that changes the physical conditions of land form, vegetation and hydrology, creates bare soil, or otherwise may cause erosion or sedimentation.

C. Density and Land Disturbance Limitations Table 8-6: Density and Land Disturbance Limitations establishes the maximum residential density and maximum land disturbance of the site for residential districts that are within the HP Overlay District. Only the maximum land disturbance is applicable in non-residential districts that are within the HP Overlay. All other dimensional regulations apply unless specifically modified by the HP Overlay District. The Knoxville-Knox County Planning Commission, following the procedure in Article 16.2.D. and applying the guidelines in the Knoxville-Knox County Hillside and Ridgetop Protection Plan, may issue a Certificate of Appropriateness for any application for any deviation from Article 8.9.C.

Table 8-6: Density and Land Disturbance Limitations

Percent of Slope Maximum Density Maximum Land Disturbance

Less than 15% Maximum density permitted by district 100%

15% up to 25% 2 du/ac 50%

More than 25% up to 40% 0.5 du/ac 20%

More than 40% 0.2 du/ac 10%

D. Site Plan Review All development within the HP Overlay District is subject to site plan review.

Requested Zoning – LDR / HP

LDR Low Density Residential 0 – 5 du /acre: primarily residential in character aligning with existing development, existing infrastructure, and meeting permitted uses according to Section 5.11 of the Knox County Code of Ordinances and Subdivision Regulations

Applicant request is 4du/acre

Staff recommendation is 1.52 du / acre based on slope information for a total of 93.2units; estimated 61 useable acreage; 98 total units/acre

2000 Growth Policy Plan (provides land use classification) – Rural

State mandated 20 year growth management plan that identifies 3 classifications of land use – Rural, Urban Growth, Planned Growth Areas. GPP recommended allowances for the Rural classification of this property is PR, OS, E, AG

2033 General Plan / Advisory – Slope Protection / Agriculture

30 year comprehensive growth plan covering 525 square miles that is updated as determined by the county / city mayors and planning commission

2016 Northwest Sector Plan / Advisory – AG Agriculture (zoning allowed in areas)

15 year plan representing one of the 12 Knox County Sectors used to identify area land use and needs / typically updated every 6 years

Alignment with existing development - Adjacent property <4.4 du/acre approved with a conservation concept plan; Highlands West <2.7 du/acre; Brandywine @ Pepper Ridge <2du/acre; HMH / Urban Engineering property <1.93 du/acre (most recent zoning case before planning and county commission)

Water / Sewage / Utilities

TVA improvement project – Utilities are stressed. 26 proposed routes. Project completion date is slated for 2023. Substation site has not been determined

Road / Mobility / Traffic– Because the applicant has requested a density above the General Plan land use designation, a transportation impact letter is required. Daily vehicle trips at requested density of 4 equates to an estimated (60.98 acres or lots X 4 du/acre x 5 avg daily car trips) 1219.6 additional vehicle trips per day.

Knox County completed a mobility plan for the area in 2019

( Hardin Valley Mobility Study | Knoxville-Knox County Planning ( The primary recommendation from the report was to create an improved north/south route across the ridge; 3 proposed routes. As a result, Knox County has set aside $500,000 of local funds to match Federal/State funds (as they become available) for an improved Campbell Station. In addition, Knox County has asked TDOT to prioritize the Watt Road interchange and have committed funds to pay for the design of this project, should they agree to move up in the schedule.

Unfortunately, both of these processes will take several years to complete (10 plus years), but Knox County is and will be pressing to improve these needed locations.

Schools – HVES: Capacity 900, Enrollment 1200+

HVM: Capacity 1200, Enrollment 1000+

HVA: Capacity 1800, Enrollment 2100+

Parental Responsibility Zone -

B.1 Determination of Parent Responsibility Zone (PRZ) -The parent responsibility zone is determined by the measurement of the shortest route from the student's residence to the bus drop-off location of the student’s zoned school.

B.2 Parent Responsibility Zone for Grades K-5- Elementary school students who live within an area of one (1) mile from the school, by the shortest route, live in the parent responsibility zone and are not eligible for transportation service.

B.3 Parent Responsibility Zone for Grades 6-12 -Middle and high school students who live within an area of one and one-half (1 1/2) miles from the school, by the shortest route, live in the parent responsibility zone and are not eligible for transportation service.

B.4 Parent Responsibility Zone Verification -Parent responsibility zone verification is determined by the Transportation Department. The principal or his/her designee should request verification from the Transportation Supervisor if specific clarification is desired. B.5 Parent Responsibility Zone Enforcement -Enforcement of the PRZ is the responsibility of the principal. The bus Contracted Service Providers or driver should notify the principal if students are suspected to reside within the PRZ. The Contracted Service Providers or driver cannot direct students to not ride the bus.

B.6 Distance Measurements- Distance measurements for transportation purposes shall include only publicly maintained roads.

Parks – Melton Hill is closest park. There is a community desire for more pocket parks

Greenspace – Prime farm land soil is indicated in areas of this parcel


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